Heading South
20 38'N x 159 34'W Steaming south through calm seas the stars are burning like sparklers in the sky. We departed Pier 9 in Honolulu about 10:00 this morning and are on our way to Johnston Atoll, our first stop on our journey to the south pacific. Shortly after leaving the peir we started in on our safety drills. Fire. Abandon ship. Man overboard. We do these weekly to keep eveyone on thier toes. Tomorrow morning I'll be giving the opening dive safety briefing where we will go over our dive plans for the next week, safety, and the operation of our recompression chamber, something we hope never to use. We have two and a half days of transit before our seven days of diving at Johnston and will spend most of our time readying equipment, planning our time to be able to collect as much data as possible during our short stay at the island and watching the obligatory movie or two.
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